- Working Memberships for a single rider are required to work 20 hours per year. Immediate family members living in the same household, i.e., children, spouse, all get to ride and use the OCA facility on the same working membership.
- Children 12 and under can ride on the same membership without additional hours.
- Family memberships of 2 or more riders 13 years or older are required to work 30 hours per year.
- To Become A New Working Member of OCA:
- Complete the signup form, pay by CC/PayPal or select pay by check during the checkout process.
- After checkout, you will receive a confirmation email with your membership receipt:
- Confirming your payment and receipt
- Providing instructions on how to get your RF ID Gate Card issued so that you can have self-serve access to the facility.
- IMPORTANT: You Must Attend A Meeting To Finalize Your New Working Membership
- Our By-Laws state: Any person of good moral character, proposed by a member in good standing and accepted by majority vote of the general membership present at a club meeting may become a member provided they are willing to accept and perform all requirements of the organization.
- Check the calendar of events to find the next scheduled OCA club meeting.
- During the meeting that you attend, a board member will go through the list of each new member application and ask the member candidate to introduce themselves, tell the club a little about themselves, their family and briefly describe why they would be an excellent addition to the OCA MX Club.
- If no member has an objection to your candidacy, your membership will be authorized, payment will be verified or collected, and your membership will be activated in the RF gate system the following week.
- You will be given instructions on how to get your RF ID Gate Card issued so that you can have self serve access to the facility.
*After checkout, you will receive a confirmation email that confirms your payment and provides more information on how to complete the new member process by attending the next club meeting.